Happy & healthy @ 225

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Winter be gone........ Please!!

Its a beautiful sunny day in Minnesota! I'm doing good, I'm staying on my eating program and do walk every day, but not as long as I would like due to the snow, ice and cold, but I do get out everyday!

Its normal to be a bit depressed at this time of year! Winter is long and tough and takes a lot out of us! We are looking forward to the Robins' return or the first flower blooming and feel that it will never get here! I'm the same! But that's not a reason to be lazy or to eat more then we should. I just have to take it one day at a time and soon it will be summer!

The main reason for this post..... During the past few months I have gained a lot of readers of this blog and I recommend, if you are a first time reader, to scroll down in the Archives to July 21, 2006! Thats when I started blogging and you can follow my ramblings from then until now! Instead of starting here and going backwards. I think new readers will get a better appreciation of my story by starting from the beginning!

Good luck to everyone and thank you to all my loyal fans! You all keep me motivated on a daily basis! Thank you so much!

Just remember that I'm only an email away, if you have any comments or questions; bigbill@gvtel.com. Peace and good health!!
