Happy & healthy @ 225

Monday, September 04, 2006

The journey starts.......

............My journey started out with just trying to eat healthy and eat less. It was okay, but I was missing necessary direction. I didn't want to do any of pills one sees advertised, nor did I want to do yet another fad diet. I had tried them all, if not all, I had tried my share of them and learned that none of them worked for the long term. I felt it was crunch time and wanted to do it right.

It was about this time that I found out about a little book published by Mayo Clinic entitled "Mayo Clinic on Healthy Weight". I bought the book and poured over it and liked what I was reading, so I decided to give it the good old college try!

The basis of the program is simple: Eat healthy and increase my activity (I'm glad they didn't call it exercise)! Now that's simple. With the books guidance I was able to develop a plan of attack.

I stocked up on all the fresh fruits and vegetables that I liked. Fresh frozen veggies are okay too if they are processed without sauces or other unnecessary ingredients. The more natural, the better. I bought whole grain breads and bagels (if the first ingredient isn't Whole wheat", or other whole grain, I don't buy it. I read ingredient labels with an eye toward low-fat. I also check sodium content as I learned that sodium retains fluids that adds weight. Fiber content is important for over all good health and keeps us clean on the inside. Sugars should be kept to a minimum too. I also stocked up on legumes. Beans such as kidney, pinto, black, garbanzo, lentils, green or yellow split pears are all excellent sources of protein. I learned about the wonderful world of soy. Not only the soy bean, but all the products made from it including soy milk, tofu, soy cheese, veggie burgers, and of course edemame!

I did my research and kept an open mind. I educated myself on the whole new world of wonderful foods that are available today. My research included the Mayo Clinic book and the many cookbooks and magazines that stress a healthy lifestyle.

This is how my journey began. I encourage everyone to educate themselves and take that all important first step! Good luck and happy-healthy eating!!