Happy & healthy @ 225

Monday, April 20, 2009


...........Isn't that what they are suppose to say when shooting a TV program? We had a TV producer, cameraman and a sound technician at our home all day and we never heard them say that! I was so disappointed!!!

Actually it was a great experience. This has been in the works for over 1-1/2 years. The shooting date was finalized in February. I was very nervous at first, but tried to keep my focus on getting my story out as best I can.

The day of the shoot Bonnie and I were focused and calm. At the same time we were very excited and humbled to have this wonderful opportunity to reach out to others struggling with health and obesity issues!

The day went very well. They had us prepare and eat a meal. Then we were interviewed by the producer. We also went to a nearby mall that we use during inclement weather for walking.

Last week Julie, the producer, called and read the entire script to us. It sounds great. We haven't seen it yet, so don't know how we looked on camera, but the script sounded good, so we'll just have to wait and see.

They are not sure when it will air but they were looking at May or June. I will post more information when we find out when its airing.

It will be aired on the Lifetime channel. The name of the program is "Health Corner". Its sponsored by Walgreen's and is seen at 8:30am Sundays in our area.

The above picture shows Bonnie and me with the producer Julie and Bob, the sound tech. The cameraman, Dan, was where else, behind the camera taking this picture!!

Until next time, be safe, eat healthy and be well!
