Happy & healthy @ 225

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Doctor's checkup

I had my annual oil change, service job, a couple months ago! I continue to do well. The results of my blood workup are good. I continue to work on one number, and that's my HDL (good cholesterol). Its at 43. They like that number to be over 50. My HDL used to be 36 four years ago, so its improving. Heres some of my other numbers:

Total cholesterol is 157. My high was 252!
HDL is 43. Used to be 36.
LDL is 101. Thats down from a high of 181!
Triglycerides is 64. Down from a huge 357!!
Blood glucose is 87. That used to be prediabetic of 117!

Weight remains at 225! As you might remember, I used to tip the scale at a whopping 500 pounds!! Well that's a little fib, as the highest I saw the scale was 480 pounds, but I had been on my "diet" for over two weeks at that time!! I didn't have a scale that would weigh me so I had to order my FAT scale!! I used to hate that scale, but its a relationship that has blossomed over the years!! LOL. We snuggle every day and we are doing fine, thank you!

BMI remains at 23.5. That is down from a morbidly obese number of 50.2!!

I am still active doing "stuff" plus I walk every day! During the nicer seasons I have lots of "stuff" to keep me busy on my 7 acres! During the nasty Minnesota weather I add 30 minutes of low impact aerobics to my daily routine. I am fortunate that there are a few malls close by that I can go to, early in the morning, to walk.

Thank you for your concern and I am doing great!! Good luck to you in finding the incentive to make just one change today!




At 7:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are doing so well with your checkups! That is great. I had gastric bypass surgery 8 years ago. I lost 170 lbs. I started at 340 lbs. I have since gained 60 lbs. back and feel terrible about it. Luckily, my health problems that I had have not come back yet. I suppose if I add much more, it's only a matter of time. HOW DO YOU KEEP SO MOTIVATED??? I need some of that!

At 12:11 AM, Blogger Big Bill said...

Hi Anonymous! Thank you for your comment. I had a friend that had the gastric bypass too. He lost well over 200 pounds and as the years went by he kept gaining weight and I'm sure he gained back nearly all his weight! I felt so bad for him, but he thought it was going to be an easy fix and hadn't prepared mentally for the process!

My motivation? LIFE!! I love each and every day and try to keep a good attitude and live every day with purpose!!

My encouragement for you....Look at everyday as challenge to give your body nothing but wholesome healthy food! Educate yourself. I have listed a bunch of great books in my profile.

Make just ONE change TODAY for your body's sake. Make good eating and good health your focus and happy days will be yours!

Good luck to you, my friend. Thanks again for writing and please feel free to email me at: bigbill@gvtel.com with any questions or comments. Peace!



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