Happy & healthy @ 225

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


My Christmas was wonderful. Lots of time visiting with family and friends and being very thankful for it all.

This is a report card on my holiday eating results! Starting out before Thanksgiving I weighed 225 pounds (my normal weight after my weightloss success). I knew the holiday season was going to offer many temptations so I tried to keep this in mind during this five or six week period. Everyday was a new challenge with lots of choices to make. The first choice I made each and everyday was to jump on the scale! When I saw it move up, I took corrective action immediately! Maybe I would eat a bit less that day or go for another walk or vacuum the floors or do what it took to stay on track.

Well I am happy to report today that my weight is now 224 pounds! I am so thankful for this great program that gives me the knowledge and tools to meet the challenges of everyday life!

I wish you all, the strength to meet your individual challenges and the knowledge to make the correct choices for your life. God bless you in 2007!!

Drop me an email and let me know how you are doing, bigbill@gvtel.com.


At 7:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to clean Bill's house and mow his lawn for him, because he was so
unhealthy he could not walk very far until he had to collapse into a chair.
I think you will be in awe/blessed to read his story! Now Bill does all his
own yard work and house work! He is like a NEW healthy man! I wanted to
share it with you all. Judith


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